NOMAD TCO Kaggle Part 3

Graph Analysis from Tessellations

Welcome to Part 3 of my Voronoi based solution to the NOMAD 2018 Transparent Conducting Oxide Kaggle. As before, our goal is to correctly predict the formation energies (ie, stability) and band gaps (ie, transparency) of different candidate sesquioxide materials. In the previous two parts, we have calculated a tessellation... [Read More]

NOMAD TCO Kaggle Part 1

Crystal Voronoi Tessellation

Recently, a high quality dataset of formation energies and bandgaps for a family of sesquioxide materials was posted on Kaggle by the Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society (link). For those not in a Materials Science or Chemistry related field, transparent conducting oxides (TCOs) are a crucial class... [Read More]